On sale now for Sunfish Cake Pan - 10 Inch - 6 Cup Capacity is trending. This cool Cake Pan 10 is now on sale, you might buy it now for just $0.00 and often ships in a single day.
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Get Sunfish Cake Pan - 10 Inch - 6 Cup Capacity lowest price. lowest price is presented for you on Cake Pan 10 at Discounted prices. Search for best deals.
Product Info
This sunfish cake pan is 10 inches in length with a 6 cup capacity. Tinplate steel. Made in Portugal.
- 10" in length with 6 cup capcity
- Tinplate steel
- Hand Wash
I bought this pan for my son's 3rd birthday. The cake turned out great. The downfall is that the pan does not come with any instructions, so here is what I did:I baked the cake on the lowest shelf. (The first time I baked the cake it was on the middle shelf and I had problems getting the cake to finish in the middle although the top what crispy.) I baked the cake at 325 degrees for about 35-45 minutes. The cake turned out perfect. To decorate the cake, I just used the star tip and made the front of the cake yellow, the stripes orange (with a slightly bigger star tip to create variation), and the fin with green using a star tip. I put the cake on two 12 inch rounds that I had stacked and frosted with blue frosting to look like waves.This cake is the perfect choice for all of those kids who love fishies. Great purchase and good luck!!
Rating: 5 1 reviews
Tags: Cake Pan 10, Sunfish Cake Pan
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