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Purchase Wilton Petite Jack-o-Lantern Pan lowest price. Top deals available for you on Wilton Jack-o-Lantern Pan at Best prices. Find for best deals.
Item Information
Make personal petite smiling pumpkins
- Designed for quick, easy cake decorating
- Also ideal for crisped rice cereal treats, molded gelatin, bread dough and more
- One mix makes 9-13 d ounceen , 12 cavity
- Material: aluminum
- 2 by 2 by 1 1/8 inch deep
Customer Opinions
Cheryl Lore
I found the cutest recipe for Halloween Sandwiches online at Readers Digest ( and the recipe states to use this pan. I was happy to see it on Amazon and priced so well, so I bought it. The bread dough takes on the face very easily and the sandwiches look like little Halloween pumpkins. I loved this purchase.
Happy Mommy
I expected this pan to be slightly larger then what it really is. The actual pumpkins are really pretty small. I got this for under $5.00 and for that price I will keep it (as my 5 year old will love this come Halloween time next year).
Rating: 4.5 2 reviews
Tags: Wilton Jack-o-Lantern Pan, Wilton Petite Pan
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