Get the best deal for Wilton 2105-4313 Brownie Cake Pops Kit is now alive. This cool Wilton Brownie Cake is currently on sale, you might buy it now for only $0.00 and usually ships within 24 hours.
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Buy Wilton 2105-4313 Brownie Cake Pops Kit lowest price. Top deals is presented for you on Wilton Brownie Cake at Best prices. Get for lowest deals.
Product Information
Make wonderful treats for all occasions with Wilton's brownie Pops Kit. Adorable mini treats that are a delight to share and eat, cake pops are a fast, easy and fun dessert perfect for birthday parties, weddings, baby showers and more. Charming bite-size goodies make a wonderful family baking project kids will love decorating. Heavy duty nonstick steel construction bakes evenly. Kit includes: 12 cavity brownie Pops pan, 10 by 15-inch nonstick cooling grid and 24 6-inch Pops sticks. 10-Year warranty. Recipe included.
Strong Feat
- Kit includes: 12 cavity brownie Pops pan, 10 by 15-inch nonstick cooling grid and 24 6-inch Pops sticks
- Make your favorite Pops treats in your oven
- Brownie pops recipe inside
- Dishwasher safe
- Manufacturer 10 year limited
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Tags: Wilton Brownie Cake
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