Get the best deal for Polymerose 6 Cavity Silicone Butterfly Cake Baking Pan Dessert, Muffin, Jello Cupcake Mold is now alive. This awesome 6 Cavity Silicone is currently on sale, you could buy it this moment for only $0.00 and usually delivered in 24 hours.
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Order Polymerose 6 Cavity Silicone Butterfly Cake Baking Pan Dessert, Muffin, Jello Cupcake Mold lowest price. Best deal available for you on 6 Cavity Silicone at Lowest prices. Find for lowest prices.
Item Info
The best quality cake silicone mold you will find! This baking pan mold will cook evenly, no burnt edges!
The silicone cake pan molds offer a perfect release of everything you cook!
Use it as a cake pan mold, or as a mini cake pan mold, or as a cupcake pan mold.
Excellent also as a muffins pan or as a dessert and jello mold.
Safe to use in:
Oven or microwave (Cup cakes, cakes)
Refrigerator (Jello and desserts)
Freezer (ice cream)
Easy to clean and store: Due to its flexibility, it
helps you save storage space.
FDA approved.
Factor Benefits
- Highest quality silicone: Nonstick material that won't fade, flake or wear off.
- Better results: Bakes evenly and completely: No burnt bottoms or edges. It will stop baking when removed from the oven, preventing overcooking.
- Easy to unmold, with perfect release.
- Easy to clean. Dishwasher safe. Easy to store: Due to its flexibility, it helps you save storage space.
- Measurements of the butterflies silicone mold in inches: W: 9.2 L: 12.8 H: 1.60 Approximated size of each butterfly in inches: W: 3.5 L:2.5 H: 1.6 Capacity of each Cavity: 5 oz. We invite you to see all the POLYMEROSE silicone molds: Just type POLYMEROSE in the search bar of Amazon, and you will find a wide variety of beautiful silicone molds!!
User Opinions
My Kitchen
I was asked to bring some plate to my parents' 20 years anniversary party. Oh my God, I am a disaster cooking, but I wanted to make something thoughtful for them. I used this butterflies mold to make three kinds of very easy dips that we served with mini toasts, water crackers and Ritz. I placed the three different butterfly shaped dips in a rectangular ceramic plate, and it looked so beautiful that everyone had a nice comment about them. I loved this idea and I will do it again for next parties.
Rating: 5 1 reviews
Tags: 6 Cavity Silicone, Polymerose Cavity Silicone, Polymerose 6 Silicone, Polymerose 6 Cavity
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