On sale now for 3 Tier Bake And Fill Cake Baking Pan By Collections Etc is now alive. This best 3 Bake Fill is now available, you might buy it now for just $14.99 and usually delivered in a single day.
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Order 3 Tier Bake And Fill Cake Baking Pan By Collections Etc top product. Best deal available for you on 3 Bake Fill at Best prices. Search for lowest deals.
Product Information
Create the most impressive desserts right in your own kitchen. Using your own cake recipe, create a 3-tiered masterpiece to fill with fruit, frosting or any other delicious thing you can think of. Made of steel with a non-stick coating. 10"Dia. x 4"H.
- Create the most impressive desserts right in your own kitchen
- 3-tiered cake pan comes with an insert for baking
- Insert creates an opening at the top of your cake to fill with your favorite fillings
- Made of steel with a non-stick coating
- 10"Dia x 4"H
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Tags: 3 Bake Fill, 3 Tier Bake, 3 Tier Fill, Tier Bake Fill
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