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Order Horse Small Cake Pan Set of 6 best price. Top deals available for you on Small Cake Pan at Lowest prices. Search for best prices.
Item Info
Use this set of 6 pans to make horse shaped small cakes and muffins. Made of sturdy tinplate steel. 4.5 inches long by 2 inches wide. Made in Portugal.
Strong Feat
- Set of 6 Small Horse Pans
- 4.5 inches by 2 inches
- Tinplate Steel
Customer Reviews
Blue ridge momma
Received cake pans within expected time frame. However, some were wrapped in plastic while others were not. No care instructions were given and I hand washed and dried them before use. Cakes did not remotely resemble horse, however I honestly didn't expect them to be great. I figured they would have to be decorated to make them look like horses. After using one time I hand washed and dried again only to discover that all pans had rust around the edges. I contacted the seller and was told to hand wash and dry (which I did out of common sense not by any instructions included in product) and they do not accept returns on used products. I would have had no problem with keeping them if rust had not formed. I think the price is quite steep for a one time use. While I was not happy with the results I figured that's what I get for not being able to see them and ordering on line.
Rating: 1 1 reviews
Lookup: Small Cake Pan, Horse Small Pan, Horse Cake Pan, Horse Small Cake
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