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Product Description
Checkerboard Cake Pan features a four-part system which uses a simple dividing ring and three pans to stack up and make a fun and delicous cake. Simply place the plastic ring inside one of the 9-inch pans and fill in the nine sections with two alternating flavors of batter. Remove the ring and place it in the next pan, filling in the opposite pattern for the middle layer. Repeat the step for the third pan, then bake all three cakes in the oven. Once they're cool, simply set one layer on top of the next to create the cheerful checkerboard of flavors. Tin transfers heat quickly. Hand wash.
- Includes 3-9 Inch round cake pans, plastic cake divider, recipe and instructions
- Tin-plated steel
Customer Reviews
Tender Lovin Cakes
I bought this cake pan my local kitchen supply store, couldn't wait to take it home and use it.Saved it for a special celebration and the cake ended up coming out as a checkerboard'ish cake. Being a perfectionist, I was very upset with the product.
Rating: 1 1 reviews
Tags: Fox Run Cake
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