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Product Info
Gotta catch 'em all Pokemon:
Wilton Pikachu Cake pan with insert.
Factor Benefits
- Retired Cake Pan-1995,1996,1998
- stock number- 2105-37
I have been completely satisfied with the service I received from Amazon. The service was very fast and accurate. I am completely satisfied with the Wilton Pokemon Pikachu Character Cake Pan I found this cake pan online 6 days before my grandson's birthday, ordered it and it shipped out 2 days later and I received it 2 days later. Thanks for the immediate and accurate service I received. I will recommend you to anyone searching for an item that has been discontinued.
Julie James
Easy directions to follow. Pickachu is my daughter's favorite Pokemon character, so this was a big hit for her birthday. I would recommend this cake pan.
Rating: 5 2 reviews
Tags: Pokemon Pikachu Character, Wilton Pokemon Pikachu
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