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Buy Wilton Cookie Stick Star Pan deal. Deals is presented for you on Wilton Cookie Stick at Lowest prices. Get for lowest prices.
Item Information
Treats on a stick are so easy; just press dough or rice cereal treat mixture into the pan, insert a cookie stick, then bake, cool and decorate.
- Each pan makes 6 individual treats
- Approx 4 by-1/2 in deep
- Recipe included
- Material: aluminum
- 3-1/2 in. diameter by-1/4 in. deep
User Opinions
A. Gonzalez
These pans are a great way to dress up cookies, brownies or cereal bars. I definitely recommend spraying the pan with a non-stick cooking spray to help with the release. Depending on the medium that you are working with, it's sometimes difficult to insert a stick. Don't bake with the sticks inserted for too long or you will burn the stick. You will need to insert during the last 1/3 of cooking time or right when the treats come out of the oven. Candy melts are a good way to secure the stick if it needs reinforcing.
I like this pan because it has 6 cookie pops as opposed to the new pans that only have 4. The new pans only have 4 cookies to each pan so you have to buy more pans to make cookies.
Marvis Hayward
This product was very disappointing. No matter what I did the cookies stuck like crazy!! Don't wast your money on this one.
Rating: 3.7 6 reviews
Key: Wilton Cookie Stick, Wilton Cookie Star, Cookie Stick Star, Wilton Stick Star
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