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Buy Fox Run 8-Inch Non-Stick Heart Pan best price. Best deal available for you on Run 8-Inch Non-Stick at Best prices. Get for lowest deals.
Item Information
The Fox Run Kitchen's Preferred non-stick was designed specifically for Fox Run. This collection features our exclusive premium non-stick coating, which provides quick, easy release of baked goods. These pieces are made of heavy gauge steel to prevent warping and allow even heat distribution for exceptional baking results. Our preferred non-stick collection is backed by our 5 year warranty.
- 8-inch Heart shaped cake pan
- Non-Stick material
- 5 year warranty
Customer Opinions
Bette M. Whisler
These pans are top quality. I made a 3 layer cake with a regular cake mix. Be sure to follow instructions for "dark" pans.
Liza Shino
Product as expected. Easy to use and clean. Recommend to all looking for heart shapes or clover shapes. shipped fast.
Rating: 5 2 reviews
Tags: Fox Run Non-Stick, Fox Run 8-Inch, Run 8-Inch Non-Stick, Fox 8-Inch Non-Stick
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