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Get Pig Cake Pan Pantastic lowest price. Deals available for you on Cake Pan Pantastic at Discounted prices. Get for lowest prices.
Product Info
8 X 13" Durable plastic can be used like Aluminum pans in a conventional oven as well as a microwave. Each pan is designed to hold approximately 1 standard cake mix. bake cakes at 325 degrees for best results. Set Pantastic Pan on shiny baking sheet when
Factor Benefits
- Made in the USA
User Opinions
m RN
I have used this pan many times since I purshased it. My daughter loves pigs so this has been used for several things not just cakes.
This was a great purchase. I would recommend this pan to everyone. The cake comes out cute. Before pouring the cake batter into the pan, I suggest spraying it with (PAM for baking) so the cake will not stick. It is a little difficult if you are using crisco and flour. If you are using a ready to bake cake box mix, about one box is enough. Fill the pan about 3/4 of the way up. It is easy to clean and re use again.
I bought this as a gift for my daughter-in-law who likes pig things. It is a very light pan, not a metal pan as I expected. It may be able to be used more than a few times but you would have to be very careful with it. I would say it is almost a one-use pan. Needs to be sturdier.
Rating: 4 3 reviews
Lookup: Cake Pan Pantastic, Pig Cake Pan
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