Get the best deal for Lekue 9-1/2-Inch Round Cake Mold, Black is now available. This best item is currently available, you can purchase it now for just $0.00 and usually ships in a single day.
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Product Description
Fall in love with healthy, easy cooking with the most innovative products thanks to Lekue. Quality, functionality and design that will surprise you with a wide range of tools to make cooking, preparation, preservation, baking and freezing easier. With this collection, Lekue provides practical and revolutionary solutions for today's society way of cooking. Discover the pleasures of cooking at home by blending different flavors, textures and trying exciting recipes that are included with every Lekue product. Healthy cooking solutions for the day-to-day kitchen that breaks with the myth that healthy cooking is boring or bland. Lekue is located in the Catalonia region of Spain outside of Barcelona, and has been the leaders in design and manufacturing of high end silicone products since 1980. Cooking with Lekue's platinum silicone is completely safe and has many advantages. This is the ideal material for manufacturing molds or products that will come into contact with food. There is no leftover residues that will alter the flavor of food. All the products comply with the quality, technical and design specifications that guarantee durability. Lekue's products are non-stick; they do not require greasing, making unmolding easier. You save calories because you don't need to add extra butter and/or oil. In addition, you can easily fold and store the products made with this flexible material without deforming them, so you save space in the kitchen. Silicone doesn't break like glass and doesn't rust like metals. Products manufactured with platinum silicone withstand high temperatures: -60-Degree C and 220-Degree C. Its versatility and ability to withstand to high temperatures make it safe to use in the microwave, oven, dishwasher, refrigerator and freezer. Platinum silicone repels water and germs so, apart from easy maintenance, it guarantees maximum food hygiene and safety.
- All lekue baking molds are made of platinum silicone and can go in the oven or microwave; platinum silicone molds are treated with special nonstick so only need to oil them before first use to activate the nonstick properties
- De-molding: for perfect results allow the food to cool completely; to remove pull sides away gently and press on the base until the cake comes away; please freeze mousses before de-molding to avoid breaking
- Oven safe to 500f; can also be used for cold recipes and can be stored in the fridge to -76f
- Thick quality structure for better support; store folded with no risk of becoming deformed
- Dishwasher safe; 15-year warranty
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