Best offer for Wilton Pretty Lady Cake Pan - Party Girl is now alive. This cool Wilton Lady Cake is now on sale, you could purchase it now for just $0.00 and usually delivered in 24 hours.
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Get Wilton Pretty Lady Cake Pan - Party Girl lowest price. Best deal is presented for you on Wilton Lady Cake at Lowest prices. Get for best prices.
Product Description
Wilton PRETTY LADY cake pan. Back of insert shows suggested tips and colors for 4 different ways to decorate - Pretty lady, gymnast, sun worshipper (in bikini) and Cheerleader. Holds any two layer cake mix or make your own favorite cake recipe. Can also be used as a gelatin or ice cream mold. The cake pan is copyright 1992 Wilton # 2105-2022.
- Wilton Cake Pan
- Retired Pan- Stock # 2105-2022
- Pretty Lady
- Gymnast, Sun Worshipper
- Cheerleader
User Opinions
George M. Mack
this pan is very universal, it makes into any woman career forms that you can think of, the sky is the limit
Rating: 5 1 reviews
Lookup: Pretty Lady Cake, Wilton Lady Cake, Wilton Pretty Cake
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