On sale now for Wilton Power Rangers Cake Pan is trending. This awesome product is currently available, you can buy it right now for only $0.00 and often ships in 24 hours.
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Order Wilton Power Rangers Cake Pan top item. Deals is presented for you on Power Rangers Cake at Discounted prices. Get for best prices.
Item Description
This cake pan is an authentic Wilton cake pan. This cake pan takes any 2 layer cake mix. This Wilton pan is from 1994, and has been retired. It is pan number 2105-5975. It is about 14 inches high, 14 inches across (at widest point) and 2 inches deep.
Factor Benefits
- Pan is 14" x 14" x 2'
- Decorating instructions are included
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Key: Power Rangers Cake, Wilton Power Cake, Wilton Power Rangers
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