Best deal for Nordic Ware Santa Claus 3 - D Cake Mold is trending. This awesome item is currently available, you may purchase it this moment for only $0.00 and usually ships within a day.
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Buy Nordic Ware Santa Claus 3 - D Cake Mold top product. Best deal is presented for you on Nordic Santa Claus at Best prices. Find for lowest deals.
Product Information
Delight the Christmas party with a plump standup Santa cake iced and decorated appropriately. All it takes is this two-pan aluminum mold and any cake mix or recipe. Fill the pan, molding Santa's front side with batter; lock the other pan on top; and bake according to the instructions on the pan's packaging. Then, using the icing recipe and decorating instructions also on the packaging, turn the cake into a 10-by-7-by-3-inch Santa that pleases both eye and sweet tooth. --Fred Brack
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Key: Ware Santa Claus, Nordic Santa Claus, Nordic Ware Santa
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