On sale now for MLB Atlanta Braves Fan Cakes Heat Resistant CPET Plastic Cake Pan is now alive. This cool MLB Atlanta Fan is now on sale, you can buy it right now for only $27.99 and often delivered within a day.
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Order MLB Atlanta Braves Fan Cakes Heat Resistant CPET Plastic Cake Pan deal. Top deals available for you on MLB Atlanta Fan at Best prices. Search for lowest prices.
Item Description
Get creative with the Pangea Brands Fan Cake. This cake pan allows you to bake your favorite team dessert at home. Follow cake mix or recipe for baking instructions, and then use the mixing chart on the back to create your favorite team's colors for the icing. This cake is sure to be a hit at your next party or event. The possibilities are endless with the Pangea Brands Fan Cake. Not only is it great for baking cakes, but the pan can be used to freeze your favorite team's ice sculpture, mold your favorite team's chocolate sculpture or gelatin, or even create your favorite team's concrete garden stone. Get your Pangea Brands Fan Cake today and let the creativity begin!
Strong Feat
- Officially Licensed Product
- Oven Safe up to 375 Degrees Fahrenheit
- Dishwasher Safe
- For Hot or Cold Food
- Designed for both Conventional Oven and Microwave Oven
yolanda carroll
It was a total hit for my 18 yr old son's party. Easy to use and held form very well.
Rating: 5 1 reviews
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