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Product Info
This is a must have for any dog lovers kitchen.
Whether the party is for a dog or a dog lover - your cakes will always be a hit! Great for theme parties or just for fun! Non-stick.
13" long x 10" wide x 2" deep
Strong Feat
- Got a BIG Party? Then you need a BIG cake! This is a must have for any dog lovers kitchen.
- 13" long x 10" wide x 2" deep
- Non-stick.
- Great for theme parties or just for fun!
Bruce Sobocinski
Bought this for my puppy's first birthday!! I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of this pan. It was very hefty and made very well. A very solid pan for the price. I would recommend this to someone looking for a bone shaped pan!
Carol C Ritter
It was perfect for the puppies 1st birthday and for many more to come. It was so much fun and the cake was great too.
Love this pan, bought it for my dog's first birthday party. Bakes well, truly is non-stick. The cake turned out lovely. This product helped bring everything together on my dog's special day! I have used it a handful of times since purchase and is holding up well, lots of fun!
Rating: 5 3 reviews
Lookup: Large Bone Shaped, Large Shaped Non-Stick, Large Bone Non-Stick, Bone Shaped Non-Stick
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