Best deal for Fleur de Lis - Cake Pan & Stand is trending. This cool Fleur Cake Pan is currently available, you may buy it now for just $34.25 and usually delivered in 24 hours.
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Purchase Fleur de Lis - Cake Pan & Stand best price. Best deal is presented for you on Fleur Cake Pan at Discounted prices. Find for best deals.
Product Information
Fan Pans are manufactured out of 100% FDA approved silicone and comes in different shapes (logos) and colors
Factor Benefits
- Yes
- Fan Pans come in 3 sizes : Cake Pans, Muffin Pans & Ice Cube Trays
- Perfect for all of your baking needs : Cake, Muffins, Cupcakes, Cookies, Gelatin and Salad Mold
- Ice Cream Molds, Ice Cubes, Chocolates, Candy Mold, Serving Dish
- Find other pans with the keyword "seaboardbakins"
User Opinions
M. Fuller
We are New Orleans Saints fans and my husband bought this pan for me. I made a meatloaf in it, which turned out fine, although it didn't brown at all on the parts in the pan.Next I tried a simple chocolate cake, which didn't work at all. The edges were done and the center was still raw.Use it for a jello mold or something similar, but I wouldn't recommend actually cooking in it.
Rating: 2 1 reviews
Lookup: Fleur Lis Cake, Fleur Lis Pan, Fleur Cake Pan, Lis Cake Pan
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