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Purchase Wilton 2105-0295 Valentine Nonstick Fluted Heart Cake Pan best deal. Top deals available for you on Wilton Valentine Nonstick at Best prices. Search for best deals.
Product Info
Create beautifully detailed cakes or frozen desserts. also a beautiful way to celebrate showers, weddings and more. wilton bake ware is dishwasher safe; however, for best results, hand wash in warm, soapy water before first and after each use. superior non-stick performance.
- Nonstick steel for easy release of cookies and molded desserts
- Wilton bake ware is dishwasher safe; however, for best results, hand wash in warm
- Baking instructions included
- Recipes included
- Limited 10-year warranty
- Wilton bakeware is dishwasher safe; however, for best results, hand wash in warm,
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