Best offer for Silikomart Silicone Fancy and Function Bakeware Collection Multi Cake Pan, Rose, Small is now available. This cool Silicone Fancy Function is currently available, you may purchase it now for just $29.95 and usually ships in a single day.
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Get Silikomart Silicone Fancy and Function Bakeware Collection Multi Cake Pan, Rose, Small lowest price. Deals available for you on Silicone Fancy Function at Discounted prices. Find for best deals.
Product Information
Silikomart was established in 2002 as a product of the experience and belief of its founder Dario Martellato. Silikomart offers a wide range of refined and innovative products, with a functionality, practicality and beauty which meet the needs of all those who love to cook. The company has continuously strived to offer its customers a superior product. for this reason, the whole production process is "MADE IN ITALY'', and uses the highest quality commercial silicone (made from 100-Percent platinum liquid silicone), which complies with FDA and CE food standards. Silikomart silicone products are completely non-toxic, odorless and tasteless and the liquid silicone injection process allows for incredibly detailed forms for baking pans and molds. This combination of quality, safety, and performance, along with their unique designs, makes Silikomart the leading specialist of culinary silicone use amongst professional pastry chefs. Silikomart silicone products are ultra flexible, they don't release smoke or odors when baking, and they are resistant to cracks and aging. They can be used directly from the freezer to the oven, from-75-Degree F to +450-Degree F, and they are dishwasher and microwave safe. Silikomart currently holds two patents: the Safe Ring is the ring designed to give greater stability to silicone molds, and Easy Cream, a technology developed to make ice cream on a stick with silicone molds. All silicone products are guaranteed for up to 3,000 uses. The Fancy and Function collection by Silikomart inspires your party time with style and imagination. Thanks to their diversity in shapes, the Fancy and Function collection 100-Percent food silicone molds are suitable for any festive occasion: birthdays, anniversaries, parties, etc. Both the cake pans and multiform molds are fitted with the patented Silikomart safe ring, the support ring that ensures stability to the mold as well as faultless and beautiful results.
Factor Benefits
- 1-12 inch by 7 inch multi cake pan makes 15 individual cakes in a small rose shape; each cake about 1.75 inch diameter
- Made from 100-percent food safe platinum liquid silicone (lsr); allows for greater details, flexibility and longer wear
- Each mold fitted with patented removable fiberglass safe ring; insert on mold rim to ensure stability and best results
- Complies with FDA and CE regulations; non toxic, odorless, smokeless, tasteless; no fillers added; glossy non-stick surface allows for easy release
- Made in italy; dishwasher, microwave, freezer (-80-degreef) and oven safe (450-degreef); guaranteed for 3000 uses; includes recipes
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Tags: Silicone Fancy Function, Silikomart Silicone Fancy, Silikomart Silicone Function, Silikomart Fancy Function
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