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Product Description
MILLEFORME(R) is a range of more than 80 molds made of food-safe silicone. Non-stick and flexible features of Milleforme allow you to avoid greasing the mold before baking. It is easy to unmold; simply reverse Milleforme and you will get a perfect product every time. Withstands temperatures from -40 F (-40 C) to 536 F (280 C). Suitable for use in refrigerators, freezers, gas, electric and microwave ovens. MILLEFORME can be re-used for thousands of baking processes and has enormous advantages in comparison with traditional pans.
- Dishwasher-safe
- Easy to unmold
- Food-safe silicone
- Non-stick
- By Milleforme
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Tags: Pavoni Silicone Heart, Pavoni Milleforme Silicone
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