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Buy Wilton Cast Snowflake Mini Cake Pan lowest price. lowest price is presented for you on Wilton Snowflake Mini at Best prices. Get for best deals.
Product Information
With Dimensions non-stick cast aluminum bakeware, anyone can create Christmas desserts with elegant shapes and spectacular detail.
Strong Feat
- Conducts heat evenly
- Non-stick surface for easy release and clean up
- Each cavity is 5 x 2 1/4 in deep
- holds 1 1/2 cups
- Covered by Wilton's lifetime warranty
Customer Opinions
Arturo B. Saavedra
This was one of the best investments I have purchased in awhile. It is easy to use and it clean! I used another one at the same time, and it didn't work out as well, and the cake stuck to the pan. This pan worked like a charm!
Rating: 5 1 reviews
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