Best offer for Triple Funnel Cake Ring 4 Inches is now hitting the market. This awesome Triple Cake Ring is currently available, you can buy it this moment for just $0.00 and often delivered within a single day.
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Order Triple Funnel Cake Ring 4 Inches top product. lowest price available for you on Triple Cake Ring at Best prices. Get for lowest deals.
Item Description
This triple stainless steel 4" funnel cake ring made by Gold Medal Products is important for making that perfect funnel cake. The "lift off" ring not only give you the best results, it make funnel cakes a breeze. Simply fill the rings with batter, cook and lift off and let the cakes float free. A platform is included to let the rings rest on to ensure the batter does not drip down onto the elements.
- Length 10"
- Width 9"
- Overall Height 12"
- Ring Size 4" (Triple Rings)
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Lookup: Funnel Cake Ring, Triple Cake Ring, Triple Funnel Cake
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