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Purchase Wilton Dimensions Nonstick 3D Skull Pan top product. lowest price available for you on Wilton Dimensions Nonstick at Lowest prices. Get for best prices.
Item Information
This three-dimensional pan makes a big statement at parties. Heavyweight cast aluminum conducts heat extremely evenly. Premium non-stick surface for easy release and cleanup.
- Even heat distribution
- Easy release and cleanup
- 10-Cup capacity
- Finished cake 6-1/2-inch by 5-1/2-inch by 7-1/2-inch
- Baking instructions and recipe included
Customer Opinions
heather riseborough
Great fun to be had with this cake pan. A must for Halloween (or for anyone who like Heavy Metal) Easy to decorate with simple or more complex themes.
Rating: 5 1 reviews
Key: Wilton Dimensions Nonstick, Wilton Nonstick 3D, Wilton Dimensions 3D, Dimensions Nonstick 3D
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